
Party Recap

While I'm not typically a "party in a box" kind of person it can be very helpful especially when looking for ideas.  There were no Wellie Wisher plates, cups, etc.  Nada. Nothing for Wellie Wisher Party.

So, I made of list of everything that reminded me of the Wellie Wishers.  Colors, things, pictures- whatever I could think of.  For colors, I focused in on Camille (the Welliewisher on the right above) on the  I also searched the web for WellieWisher material.

Full details at https://littlemissblog.com/welliewisher-birthday-party/


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    Finger sandwiches- Turkey, ham, chicken salad. Chips, hummus, ice cream sundaes

  • What People Drank

    lemonade, water

  • Desserts

    Cake, cupcakes, ice-cream, candy

  • Party Favors

    Wellie Wisher Activity Books


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