Amarah's "A Very Hungry Caterpillar" Birthday Party

Victoria N By Victoria N  in Birthday


Party Recap

For my daughter's first birthday party I chose the beloved book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle as the theme.

Guest arrived and signed the picture frame for the guest book, and then just sat around, ate food and worked on butterfly crafts. Amarah was very shy. Then it was gift opening time, her mommy helped her open the gifts because she didn't understand completely what to do.

Amarah looked so beautiful in her caterpillar dressed made especially for her by my friend's grandma!

All photography was done by my cousin (in law) J.Lynn Photography:


Party Highlights

  • Best Dressed

    The birthday girl in her dress

  • Desserts

    caterpillar cupcakes, handmaid by my mom and decorated by my friends

  • Activities / Games

    caterpillar bean bag toss

  • Best Moment

    Amarah smashing her cake!


Party Helpers


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