
Party Recap

This gender neutral baby shower was setup for a client and her husband who did not know the gender of their baby as they were waiting until the delivery to know. I went with an ivory and soft yellow color scheme for the guest tables. Each table had a different centerpiece matching the theme or main character of the books. I decided to go with more classic titles such as Peter Rabbit, The Ugly Duckling, and the Three Little Pigs.

The sweets and cake table followed the same flow as the centerpieces but instead of focusing on the characters I focused on the treats. This included glazed donuts drizzled with Wilton chocolate for If You Give a Dog a Donut and super cute lamb themed pretzel rods that were made by using mini marshmallows for Mary had a Little Lamb. Mother Goose (purchased at Hobby Lobby) was the perfect addition to the theme and as an added bonus she read several classical stories. Other treats included banana flavored Moon Pies to go with Good Night Moon, amazing cake pops of Humpty Dumpty, Mother Goose, and a Mouse and a Clock. Beautiful homemade cookies added the perfect touch to the table. For the backdrop I used a beautiful Once Upon A Time book standee that was purchased at Shindigz. Finally the look was completed with two vintage chairs that were reupholster and refinished as seating for the mother and father to be.

Setup by Wilmaris Santos of WS Events

Photographs by Aldelise Castellar-Trinidad of Aldelise Trinidad Photography

Cookies by Sofia Beniquez of SoWhEETs Cakeshop

Cakepops by Jennifer Never of Cake Umz


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