Selected as Party of the Day on October 3rd!

David's Firme 60th

The Party Chick By The Party Chick  in Birthday


Party Recap

My father grew up in the 70's in East Los Angeles. He and my mom would cruise Whittier Blvd with their friends when they were young. For his 60th birthday I reached out to all his old car club buddies and some guys he grew up with on Mc Bride Street which is a few blocks from the blvd. I wanted bring them all back to where it started and give them one more amazing night together as they take a walk down memory lane.


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    Bacon wrapped Street Dogs, Elote (Mexican Corn) with the works, Taco Truck style tacos.

  • What People Drank


  • Desserts

    Tres Leches


1 comment

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    Antoinette M wrote:

    Where can I get a boulevard sign like this?