
Party Recap

This party princess wanted a playdate with her best girlfriends so we decided to keep this 5th birthday party small but special for each of the girls invited. Guests were encouraged to wear a "fancy" dress if they desired and the lunch time tea party play date was filled with activities and socializing. Each girl painted her own tea cup, made bracelets, and enjoyed lunch while having time to play before the candles were blown out and the cake served!

Easy on mom and budget friendly (under $100) my daughter had more fun since this party was catered to a close group of friends than some of the larger parties we've hosted in the past.

Invite: https://www.evite.com/event/create?c=&change_design_category=featured&ctrk=search&event_type=&template=teapartyinpink

Decor: www.sprinklesandconfetti.com

Activity: https://www.target.com/p/alex-174-toys-paint-a-ceramic-tea-set/-/A-49094154?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Seasonal+Shopping&adgroup=SC_Seasonal&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9052920&gclid=CjwKCAjwpfzOBRA5EiwAU0ccN6XVLW8J4V1qMwXt_mZyQSioLJK0Yp8giRgSDeh4K24yQYjZ2JAIIhoC9U4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Party Favor Bags & Lollipops: https://www.target.com/p/16-ct-pink-and-purple-swirl-lollipop/-/A-51989923#lnk=sametab


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    The girls enjoyed tea party peanut butter & jelly sandwiches with strawberry rose yogurts!

  • Desserts

    Jumbo cupcakes decorated as small tea party cakes

  • Party Favors

    Painted tea cups, bracelets, and pink & purple lollipops

  • Activities / Games

    Each girl painted her own tea cup from the tea party as well as made beaded bracelets while enjoying each other throughout the party playdate


Party Helpers

  • Sprinkles & Confetti

    Party Stylist & Supplies

    Sprinkles & Confetti designed the theme of the party and supplied all of the party decorations as well as the ideas for activities throughout the party.


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