
Party Recap

My Baby Boy recently turned one and while I was drawn to the adorable circus and carnival themed parties I saw online, they just lacked that pizzazz I wanted for my birthday boy. I knew I wanted something masculine yet cute, but also unique and maybe even a bit edgy. I brainstormed our favorite travel locations and my mind was instantly drawn to Coney Island with its delicious hot dogs and ice cream and, of course, the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth. And thus was born Baby K’s Freak Show Circus themed first birthday party!

The party was filled with homemade baking and DIY projects, from the backdrop for the cake smash to the freak show cutouts. All the DIY instructions and info are available on my blog, www.turquoisetoffee.wordpress.com !


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    We had so many circus themed treats: A bearded lady cake (of course!), candy apples, mini doughnuts, Pogo sticks, french fries, marshmallow ice cream cones, and cotton candy!

  • What People Drank

    I found beautiful glass bottles of classic Coca Cola, they were a perfect match for the Freak Show Circus theme!

  • Desserts

    In addition to all the treats, I also baked my birthday boy a vegan sugar free smash cake...which he did not like one little bit! But the other baked goods were a hit with the guests thankfully.

  • Party Favors

    The guests were able to take home any of the unfinished treats--those candy apples were too beautiful to go to waste!

  • Activities / Games

    The hit of the party was definitely the two freak show cutouts I made, freehand! Those were so cool, they turned out amazing…and were so much work hahah! All I did was draw the images on those science fair cardboard display boards from the dollar store and coloured them with dollar store paint. I drew the tattoos with sharpie marker and by golly did that ever take a long time! But so worth the effort, right!?!


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