Lilo and Stitch Inspired Birthday Surprise

Kristi F By Kristi F  in Birthday


Party Recap

A Stitch inspired surprise birthday!

Our party was inspired by Hawaiian decor and incorporating Lilo and Stitch--we did not want this to feel like a Luau or Hawaiian theme. Our dominant colors were red, blue, green and yellow to bring in Lilo and Stitch!

-Drink Station: Tiki Bar with Hawaiian beverages
-Food Station: decorated with minimal Hawaiian decor

Hibiscus flowers were scattered throughout and Hawaiian tissue paper garland was used to highlight the Hawaiian decor.

Snack Station: Stitch's Great Escape!
-Of course, no Lilo and Stitch party would be complete without incorporating space and the Galactic Federation. Stars were hung from a black, glittered background and the colors for snack containers were a bold red and blue.

Dessert Station: colors were entirely focused on the colors of Lilo and Stitch--red, blue and yellow.


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    -Tropical Fruit Platter -American Hero -Pasta and House Salads -Chips and Pretzels

  • What People Drank

    -Hawaiian Punch (blue and red) -Tropical Fruit Barrels -Soda -Water

  • Desserts

    -Chocolate and Vanilla Cupcakes (Blue and Yellow Icing) -Hibiscus Floral Chocolate Pops (Red, Blue and Yellow) -Birthday Cake!

  • Party Favors

    -Leis (Blue, Red, Yellow or Green) -Water Guns (...from the Galactic Federation)

  • Activities / Games

    Assist the Galactic Federation in the capture of Experiment #626! -Small, plastic toys of Stitch in various occupation outfits were hidden. The Earth inhabitant who found Stitch in the most disguises won a prize!!


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