Selected as Party of the Day on October 7th!

Lucas' Safari

Bárbara Peres By Bárbara Peres  in Birthday


Party Recap

Look people, beautiful party !!!
Mom planned it with great affection, which was run by people with still greater affection.
The result could not be different is not! Cuteness throughout the hall to celebrate the 1st year of Lucas.

Photography: Cravo e Canela Fotografia Infantil
Cupcakes and lollipops: Sayonara Hoffmann
Buffet: Buffet Requinte
Helium Balloons: Mapriest Floriani
Balloon arch and wall: Milena Villas Boas Decorações para Festas Infantis
Decorated Cookies: Graos de Amor
Biscuits and Cake Top: Michele Alves Maciel Faria
Stationery in Scrap, 3D letters and decoration: Graos de Amor and Barbara Peres Importados


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