
Party Recap

This was a masquerade tea party for my daughters 11th birthday. Originally it was suppose to be a masquerade ball thrown in the evening, but the venue didn't have availability, so I thought what if I did a tea party and change the traditional masquerade colors of purple and green to antique pink and gold. I added fresh flowers as center pieces along with pearls and jewels to give it a rich feel and served tea sandwiches with a vegetable plater and dip! I also rented a 15th century mid evil styled gown to make things realistic and me and my husband participated in dressing up as well...it was a smash and my main objective was to reinforce the idea that your never to old to dress up and have tea! Just in a more mature 11 year old way lol she loved it..hope you all do to


1 comment

  • Miazia D

    Miazia D wrote:

    More photos coming soon!