Monsters university 6th birthday crew

Danielle G By Danielle G  in Birthday


Party Recap

this party was so much fun. We ran it just like they were at the university. They registered when they RSVPD and got a fun packet at the door. Had classes with activities and scare games. Everyone had a blast.


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    monster sandwiches with grapes and potato chips, slime punch, doughnut monsters for cake.

  • What People Drank

    green slime drink we made with ice-cream in it.

  • Desserts

    doughnut monsters

  • Party Favors

    cute monster bags made by me filled with monster suckers,sticckers,tatoos, kleenex and more everything was university centered

  • Activities / Games

    dont drop the eyeball while trying not to step on spikey balls, throw the archie pig through the dorm window, craft class to make stick monsters, find the monsters on campus- we hid monster university characters around the yard, scare games photo booth


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