Ollie’s wONEderful Birthday Party

Miriam G By Miriam G  in Birthday


Party Recap

The party was inspired by Emily Winfield Martin's beautifully illustrated and versed book "The Wonderful Things You Will Be." If you've never read this book, you need to! It's been my favorite book since my older sister first gifted it to us years back. Ollie reminds me of the sweet boy on the front cover. The words are so darling and the illustrations are just so lovely.
I used several of the book themes as inspiration for the party ideas! So, we had a travel theme to the party, a music theme, and a garden theme as well!

The kids had a succulent station and decorated their own mini succulent pots to take home. While the actual musician was canceled for the "rock band" part of the party due to the weather, my brother was kind enough to play his guitar for Ollie!

For dessert, we ate cake pops, cupcakes, fruit salad cups, and of course cake! Balloons were a fun visual in the party so we had balloon cake pops, balloon cake toppers, balloons on the cake, and I made hot air balloons out of cardstock and a glue fun for the back drop which were my personal favorite! While this party was rescheduled three times, in end, it was a wONEderful time by all. Hopefully Ollie remembers the event. No matter what, we’ll have pictures to document it at least and stories to share when he's older! definitely been a year to remember!


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    Balloon cake pops, cupcakes wits hot air balloon cupcake toppers, fruit cups, and of course fruit!

  • What People Drank

    Juice boxes and perriers served in coolers hidden in light teal suitcases to fit with the travel theme! The colorful napkins matched the theme as well and were served in mini cream wheelbarrows to tie together the eclectic gardening theme of the book! The serving table was very colorful and pretty!

  • Party Favors

    Party hats which were hand made of bright colors matching the balloons and colors of the book, and mini succulents as well as cake pops.

  • Activities / Games

    ‘Ollie’s Band Practice’ Station mirrored a page of the book and included life size cut outs of the book. Ollie’s uncle is a musician and played his guitar on some mats for Ollie and his friends. The kids also had a ‘Succulent station’ that also mirrored another section of the book and they could make and decorate their own mini succulents to take home!


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