
Party Recap

When you have a little girl in your midst, there is just no way you will not have a princess party at some point in her young life. Your little princess party should also then be nothing less than spectacular! The fun part about a princess theme is that you can keep it soft in pastel pink, white and gold, or as I’ve done, give it some more youthful fun by adding bright pink to the color scheme.


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    The food was simple with cake, cupcakes, popcorn, candy floss and some pudding cups.

  • What People Drank

    For this party we only had some water, but if I had to do it again, I would add some pink lemonade.

  • Desserts

    Strawberry pudding with a layer of strawberry jello

  • Party Favors

    Each guest received a princess wand, and a little bottle with a toilet roll crown that I made myself, filled with mini pink an white marshmallows


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