Hey Howdy Hey! River's 2nd Birthday

Renee C By Renee C  in Birthday


Party Recap

Buzz...Buzz...Buzz! These are the words that echo (or sometimes rings loudly) throughout the walls of our home...or anywhere else there happens to be a sighting. No, I'm not talking about insects either! My little man is so in love with Toy Story that I actually have a picture of him sitting on top of our TV stand gently touching Woody's face. Don't judge- you have all allowed your kids 30 seconds of mischief just so you could catch a pic! Needless to say, when planning his party I didn't have to stress over deciding on a theme! Budget and time are of the essence in my household since I am a teacher. We all know it's difficult to stick to both and I can't exactly "find the money" so many things you'll see were very time consuming. But who needs the luxury of sleep anyway? Most items were homemade or semi-homemade and did not take any extraordinary effort or skill (except for the desserts). To be successful mothers, wives, and party planners we MUST beg, borrow, and steal the fantastic jobs of other creative moms out there- don't be surprised if you've seen aspects of River's party elsewhere. Don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions or would like to email you templates!


Party Highlights

  • Best Dressed

    The birthday boy of course! Although my friend pregnant Ashley was super cute and stylish as always...

  • Desserts

    Where to start?! The cake...of course! Woody inspired three tiered fondant cake was served. Cake Flavors: Peanut Butter and Jelly, Dreamsicle, and S'mores; Alien Cupcakes: Peanut Butter and Jelly; Jessie's Cowgirl Hat Cookies; Hamm Cakepops: Strawberry and Cream Cheese; Mr. and Mrs. Cakepops: Chocolate and Peanut Butter

  • Activities / Games

    Mr. Potato Head Craft: I pre-cut the peices and placed them in plastic baggies to make this craft toddler-proof. We had some Picassos for sure! There's a Snake in my Boot: I created a cardboard boot and taped it to a pan. The little ones tossed a rubber snake into the pot. Pretty easy one! Prospector's Gold Mine: Gold Candy Coins were hidden in a basket full of shredded paper. Party players each took two turns and could only take two coins during their turn. I thought the older ones would think it was too easy, but they loved it!

  • Best Moment

    By far the laughter of all the two year olds running and playing together. All rules were out the window! Running, throwing balls, dessert before dinner, "Yes, please have another cookie!" It was eternal bliss for them!

  • What People Ate

    G.I. Sloppy Joes, Hamm Sandwiches, Buzz's Rocket Pizza Rolls, Mr. Potato Chips, Lotso Fruit & Veggies, Jessie's Rootin' Tootin' Beans, Wheezy's Cheezy Snacks, Rex Chex Mix, and Slinky's Hot Dogs

  • What People Drank

    Bullseye's Watering Hole, Alien Mystic Juice (Watermelon Squeeze It's), IBC Root Beer, Grape, Orange, and Red Bottled Pop

  • Most Touching Moment

    River did a fantastic job of smiling for the camera! He was sitting patiently in front of his cake saying "Cheese" and looking toward whomever I told him to. His candle actually burned out (it was a number candle that didn't burn well) while he was posing!

  • Funniest Moment

    I know the stress of trying to reign in a toddler watching another child open presents, so I informed the other mothers that River did not mind help. It turned into a total free-for-all! River didn't mind and moms could be a little more at ease. After all, he took everything home so sharing was just fine!


    River's birthday was actually in February, so this was a very belated birthday party. Seeing as it was the only time he would get to have a party outdoors, we went for it. As you can tell that didn't quite work out as planned. At 4:30 in the morning the day of the party (when I finally finished the cake) I frantically text my mom (who always wakes up early) asking if I should move the party due to the rain and forty degree weather. Always the calm after (or before in this case) the storm, she said it was fine... I awoke with clarity that it must be moved and ironically the Community Center was not only available, but the lady in charge of booking just happened to be at my mom's work. Fate? No, faith!



  • Dawn S

    Dawn S wrote:

    These are super cute!!!

  • no photo

    Nicole D wrote:

    So cute! Where did you get the invites made?

  • Teresita S

    Teresita S wrote:

    how do you do all those sighns? my son is having a toy story party on july 23. please e-mail me a couple of your ideas. [email protected]

  • Brenda/Petite Parties R

    Brenda/Petite Parties R wrote:

    Very cute! Where did u find these at?

  • Renee C

    Renee C wrote:

    I made them myself using *borrowed* images and Photoshop. There are many companies online that make similar invitations. I prefer Etsy, which is an online venue for handmade goods.

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    Candida M wrote:

    Love, love, love, your decorations!! Can you please tell me where you bought the green bags for the Alien favor bags?? thanks

  • Carissa G

    Carissa G wrote:

    how did you make the goody bags?

  • Millicent P

    Millicent P wrote:

    What kind of juices are those and where did you buy them? Such a cute idea!

  • Jennifer H

    Jennifer H wrote:

    These are amazing!

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    Jillian S wrote:

    any chance you can send me the template for the signs? They are awesome!!