Selected as Party of the Day on January 17th!

Sweet Treats Valentines Party

Candy @Sweet By Candy M By Candy @Sweet By Candy M  in Valentine's Day


Party Recap

I LOVE Valentines Day!! It’s one of my favorite Holiday’s…well ok..I say that about almost all of them, but I love a holiday that’s main purpose is to celebrate the ones we love! I mean really…how cool is that! Not to mention how stinking adorable everything for Valentines Day is. Pink, Red, Hearts, Polka Dots, Chocolate, Flowers, Adorable plush animals, I mean really…what’s not to love! Valentines Day is not just for couples either…there are lots of people in your life that you love and that deserve to know it and be reminded of it often!

The only bad thing about Valentines Day is that it comes off the heels of Christmas and right before Tax Day so money is usually a little tight for most people. I set up this table to show you that you can set a fun and creative party table that will make people think you spent a fortune but won’t break the bank at all! That’s all something we can ALL LOVE…right?


Party Highlights

  • Desserts

    Dress up your homemade cupcakes using printables, cute liners and sprinkles

  • Activities / Games

    A stack of valentines and envelopes were made available for the guest to write each other valentines. A little mailbox from the dollar section at Targe was used for the guest to place their Valentines in.

  • Budget

    You can create this table for around $75-$100 including your invitations, food, favors and decorations.

  • Party Favors

    Mini hot pink Take out boxes from Hobby lobby are used with personalized favor tags to add a personalized touch. Fill your boxes with your popcorn mix or candy's or little trinkets

  • What People Ate

    Keep the menu simple to save money. It's a dessert table for Valentines so I used some simple food items and looked for unique ways to display them. Licorice, Smarties, Lollipops, Cupcakes, Italian Pizzelle cookies filled with Strawberries and whipped cream and some Valentines popcorn mix (popcorn,white chocolate, m&m's and sprinkles)

  • What People Drank

    Serve some simple crystal light rasberry or pink lemonade drink mix in fun little mini coke glasses from the dollar store


1 comment

  • Melissa N

    Melissa N wrote:

    what a cute idea!