Cheap Chic ~ Disposable Dinner Party!

no photo By Katy N  in Dinner Party


Party Recap

A cheap but chic backyard candlelit dinner party for 12. Don't have a nice long wood table? Try some afforable faux wood tablecloths instead and Viola! you got the same effect. Decide on your look and color/design scheme then use mix & match fancy looking disposable dinnerware to curate an elegant experience for your dinner guests. Try layering varying shaped plates and faux textured napkins & embossed "silverware" to complete the look. Here I used gold trimmed scalloped plates as faux chargers, layered with a series of smaller rustic paper party plates with a eucalyptus design. Finish your tablescape with some wooden crates or trays to create height, rustic lanterns, greenery & votives. Basic wooden folding chairs as shown can typically be rented for a few dollars each and come in a few color options. You'd be amazed at what you have lying around and how it can all come together to create something beautiful! Bon Appetit!


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