

  • no photo

    Cat V wrote:

    Where did you get your Swiper, Dora, and Boots cutouts?

  • Christine B

    Christine B wrote:

    Cat, I made them. You can do it too with a projector and cardboard or really thin plywood!

  • Michyloo

    Michyloo wrote:

    ok I don't hava a projector so is there another option you know of?

  • Christine B

    Christine B wrote:

    Michelle, you could use the grid method to scale them.

  • Michyloo

    Michyloo wrote:

    What is the grid method?

  • Christine B

    Christine B wrote:

    Michelle, draw a grid on the image you want to enlarge - say 1/2 inch squared. Then, draw a grid on the material you're enlarging to - say 2" squares. Use the squares to help you transfer the image.