Santacia M

Santacia M


st mary's, Georgia, United States

More about me

hello!!! everyone. Well I'm a proud mother of 6 amazing adults grandmother to 18 angels, internet reporter and author to a series of children book soon to come known as Tales Of Hinterland love entertaining family and friends always doing arts and craft which I find to be very relaxing : ). A few years ago I began recording a series of videos about decorating with streamers. Ideas taught to me, by my grandmother, God rest her soul and would love to share them. I hoping people would like them as much as I did when I was a child. I feel that paper streamer design is an art that should not die and it is sooo!! economical and hopefully it would be revise again. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEARN HOW TO DECORATE USING STREAMER CHECK OUT MY MANY VIDEOS