Ivory Rug

Ivory Rug

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About Ivory Rug

When you're shopping for a rug, there are a few things to consider. First, the size of the rug is important. You'll want to make sure that it will fit well in your room and won't be too bulky or heavy. Second, the type of fabric is important. You'll want to choose a rug made out of either ivory or wool, as these are two types of materials that resist dirt and stains better than other types of fabrics. Third, the weave is also important. A woven rug has more layers than a non-woven rug, which means it's less likely to show wear and tear over time. Fourth, the price is important – but not everything! You should also consider how unique the rug is and whether or not you can find it at a home store or in a unique interior decor store.
