
Baby Shower Games, How Big is the Baby Bump

EnFete By EnFete

Product Info

The party fun won't stop with our Measure The Baby Bump Game. Keep your party fun with lots of baby shower games!

Bring guests together as you all guess the size of the baby bump. Who can guess the size of the baby bump with the power of your eyes!

Who can guess how big mommy's tummy is! Write down your predictions to see if you can get the closest and win the winner glasses! A fun game for all to join in with.

The tape is in centimeters, which can add an extra layer for silliness for those not used to the metric system. I've enclosed a quick cm to inches chart to help out with the conversion!

Each pack contains

1 x Tummy Tape measuring 2m (W) x 7cm (h), (6.5 feet long)
1 x scorecard
1 x winner glasses

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