
Party Recap

Bibi´s party was a dream come true. When she decided the movie UP, it was a big surprise and a great happiness.
The challenge was bring to the party all the excitement and beauty of the film. I think we did!

Decoração: Marcus Valladares
Casinha e Caixa de Correio: Josenice Ximenes
Doces modelados: Ateliê das Delícias Christiane
Pães de mel e brownie: Bella Sweet Etc
Biscuits dos personagens: Ana Lucia Silva
Topo de bolo: Fabricia Dajuh
Porta retrato de chocolate: Nil Cake


Party Highlights

  • Party Favors

    wilderness explorers´s kit


Party Helpers

  • Luiz Eduardo Borges



1 comment

  • Fatima P

    Fatima P wrote:
