
Party Recap

A Quinceañera is the Hispanic tradition of celebrating a young girl’s coming of age – her 15th birthday.

The Quinceañera tradition dates back more than 600 years to when the Aztec and Mayan cultures celebrated when a young girl became eligible to marry, have children, and take on the responsibilities of a woman in the community. Eventually, the tradition was influenced by the Spaniards, and a Catholic connection emerged. More recently, non-Catholic churches have also begun to offer religious ceremonies for Quinceañeras. While the religious ceremony is a vital part of the Quinceañera for many Latino families, today some choose to have a reception only.

For those that celebrate in the church first, the ceremony comprises a very important part of the event. The church ceremony, and all of the preparation leading up to it, can provide a wonderful opportunity for the Quinceañera’s priest or minister to discuss with her the growing responsibilities she takes on as a woman of faith. The ceremony serves to remind her of her devotion to God, and it includes a rededication of her baptismal vows.

Many of the traditional gifts presented to the quinceañera by her parents and her padrinos (Godparents) at her church ceremony are symbols of faith. The tiara placed on her head signifies her standing as a princess in the eyes of God. The quinceañera earrings remind her to listen to God’s word. The bracelet represents the unbroken nature of God’s love: it is unceasing. The scepter represents her acceptance of the responsibilities of being a woman. She also receives a patron saint medal, rosary, or quinceañera Bible to remind her of her foundation in faith. These items represent her tools for navigating through life as a woman of faith.


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