Selected as Party of the Day on July 4th!

Simone's 40th birthday

Sensationally Sweet Events  By Sensationally Sweet Events   in Birthday


Party Recap

Simone contacted me to provide a lolly table for her guests to enjoy at her 40th birthday party. the event was held at a gorgeous waterfront marina location and was themed black and white. all the guests were asked to dress in black and white except for simone who was wearing bright colours and so i designed her monochromatic based table with pops of bright colours with that in mind. Black & white striped fabric was sewn together to create a gorgeous tablecloth, gold sequined fabric and colour flowers helped decorate and lots of jars of bright coloured lollies and cupcakes finished off the look


Party Highlights

  • What People Ate

    canapes and vanilla cupcakes with a full lolly table

  • What People Drank



Party Helpers


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