


New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

More about me

We are Mr. & Mrs. Match and we have 10 children! YES...TEN! So we know what it is to throw parties. It's a pain in the behind to run around from store to store trying to find items to match your party theme. Especially when you have 6 very picky daughters! :-\ We decided that we were tired of looking for party supplies and just started creating them ourselves. With our kids ranging between the ages of 3 and 21, which is basically toddlers to adults, we've had our share of theme making this a business was a no brainer! We can pretty much find out from our little bunch what's cool, what's hot and what's absolutely not! :-) We hope you enjoy what we have in our Party Section and please visit our website to view the products that we haven't quite dropped on Catch My Party yet.
Match My Party Theme

My Business

Match My Party Theme