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    Brandi W wrote:

    Do you mind sharing where you got the fairies from? I have been looking for them for my babys party.

  • Heavenly-Hands

    Heavenly-Hands wrote:

    Hi Brandi, I don't mind at all :) I got them from the Disney Store. They were £12 for a set of 7 figurines. I'm not sure that they still sell the same set but this one is similar :- http://m.disneystore.co.uk/fairies-tinker-bell-and-the-legend-of-the-neverbeast-figurine-set/mp/76713/1000259/. You could look on eBay where the same set may still be being sold by someone. Although they seemed expensive at the time actually per doll they were relatively cheap. Good luck!

  • Heavenly-Hands

    Heavenly-Hands wrote:

    I just found these on eBay:- http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/261907413854?nav=SEARCH