I Made My First Trip to HomeGoods!

by Jillian Leslie on

Long story short… My daughter loves piano, so my husband found a used keyboard on Craigslist. We picked it up in Manhattan Beach (about 40 minutes from our house) and there’s a HomeGoods nearby. My husband, being the kind, generous, and patient man that he is, hung out with my four-year-old, while I got to shop.

It turns out that HomeGoods is owned by the same people as TJ Maxx, where I went a few weeks ago, so it was no surprise that they had many of the same items, but much much more. The store is heaven if you love parties, entertaining, and decorating. I felt infinitely creative just walking through the door.

Here are some of my favorite finds…

Perfect for a baby shower or tea party $12.99.
Mod cake plate $12.99.
Great for serving water on a long table or putting flowers in. $5.99 each.
Each tea pot was $9.99. You could dress these up for an Alice in Wonderland tea party.
I've always wanted one of these to add lemon and basil to my water. $16.99.
You can't tell from this photo but these are huge. $7.99 – $14.99
I'm always looking for a new cake stand $14.99
One of my white essentials. $12.99
Silver is more expensive, but I thought just one. $19.99
Beehive drink dispenser $19.99

So many good finds at HomegGoods. If only there was one closer to our house… Actually, maybe it’s a good thing there’s not. ๐Ÿ™‚

What are your favorite finds at HomeGoods?








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    Liliane de Paula Martins wrote:

    Beautiful. Very beautiful, Jillian. I would buy "white essentials ($12,99)

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    Raychel wrote:

    LOL. I am obsessed with Home Goods, and just threw a Bridal Tea Party using half the stuff you posted pics of! It's an addiction, I swear! Glad you got to shop!

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    Holly wrote:

    WHOA...I've been hearing that I need to get to that store & hadn't done it yet. Seeing your post here with the pictures, I am so there!

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    Christine wrote:

    I have also recently discovered HomeGoods, though the nearest one is about 4 hours away...like you I am thinking this is probably a good thing! I love all of the basic stuff that they have, those colored bottles that you found are gorgeous...may have to search for those on my next trip :) !! Thanks for sharing your finds!

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    Ces wrote:

    yes, home goods is awesome.. I always find things I "need". :)

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    Johana Mulero wrote:

    I go there all the time, there is one 10 minutes from my house. I find the best cupcake liners and sprinkles there!!! And of course the cake stands, AWESOME =)

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    Joy wrote:

    My favorite find was some silicon molds that worked great with chocolate.